Can we Persuade you to read with us (and the Paperback Princess!)?

We have both been working on our 2015 TBR Challenge lists, along with our friend Eva at The Paperback Princess.

We have one book that we both committed to finally reading this year: Jane Austen’s Persuasion. And because it’s a favorite of Eva’s, the three of us decided to host a little informal #persuasionreadalong in March.  So, if you’d like to join us, download a copy (you can find it for free), head to the library, or check out your favorite bookstore. Throughout March, we’ll have a few posts between Gun In Act One and The Paperback Princess as we read/reread the story of Anne Elliot and Fredrick Wentworth.


And, speaking of TBR lists, Eva also tagged us to answer these TBR-tag questions. So, here goes:

1.   How do you keep track of your TBR Pile?

Holly: Sometimes I add books I want to read to Goodreads. Sometimes I add them to my Amazon Wish List. Sometimes Amanda yells at me to read things and overrides both those lists.

Amanda: I add everything to Goodreads that I have the slightest interest in. That’s why my TBR list is out of control-but I kind of skim through to see what I’m in the mood for.  I still have a paper list too which I add to Goodreads sometimes.

 2. Is your TBR mostly print or e-book?

Holly: I’m all about e-books.

Amanda: I think mostly e-books, but after ALA that might be a lie.  I love my kindle but there is nothing like picking up a new hardcover for me. Its like a gift-even when I buy it for myself!

3. How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

Holly: There is a complicated algorithm that includes Amazon sales, library availability, lunar cycles, book length, attention span, and mood. Sometimes I surprise myself with what I pick next.

Amanda:  Mood + date of publication for ARCs. Holly is clearly the more complicated sister.

4.  A book that’s been on your TBR the longest?

Holly: Until recently, that was Little, Big, which was waiting on my bookshelf (in various locations) since 1996.  Next up, maybe A Vindication of the Rights of Women. I’m pretty sure I’ve been meaning to read that since Mr. Nall’s class in high school.

Amanda:  Per Goodreads, The Lost Painting by Jonathan Harr has been languishing on my TBR since 2008.  I’m sure there are a few I’m forgetting though!

 5.  A book you recently added to your TBR?

Holly: The Monopolists, thanks to Shannon @ River City Reading.

Amanda:  Oh me too! But more recently, Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem.  Its from 2000 and is my April book club book.

6.  A TBR on your list strictly because of it’s beautiful cover?

Holly: Not applicable. Oh, except maybe Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half.

Book Cover Final three

Amanda: This took me forever!  Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black.  Pretty cover, doubt I’ll read it.

 127880617.  A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading?

Holly: Ha! There’s a good chance that life will be too short for me to get around to Infinite Jest.

Amanda: This is a tough one! The Moviegoer by Walker Percy.  I started it once and basically hated it.  I think I’m deleting it off my shelf now.

8. An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for?

Holly: The Winds of Winter. Light it up, George!

Amanda: The Bollywood Bride by Sonali Dev. Also, Inflict by Cora Carmack -get to writing ladies!  Last, Second Position by Katherine Locke.  Its going to be good!

 9.  A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read but you?

Holly: Hmmm – Eleanor & Park. The Interestings.  Unbroken.

Amanda: The Glass Castle.  Wild.  Cinder-and the rest of the Lunar Chronicles.

10.  A book on your TBR list that everyone recommends to you? 

Holly: Well, not directly, but everyone and their brother was recommending Station Eleven on their best-of-2014 lists.

Amanda: Strongest recommendation I’ve had recently has been for All the Rage by Courtney Summers which I’m about to start.  Not going to lie, I’m a little scared.  I did just get Station Eleven at the library though.  Maybe I can start pushing that on Holly too.

 11.  A book on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

Holly: Persuasion, obviously. Starting soon!

Amanda: How long do you have?  Currently I’m debating whether to start Re Jane or The Wrath and the Dawn.  Though the second I get the Ruby Circle from the library everything else in life will be ignored.

 12.  How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

Holly: Currently, 203. I think I could probably delete some that I’m not that interested in, but that’s a project for another day.

Amanda:  Don’t judge.  1573.  DON’T JUDGE!!  I just deleted 2 off the list while writing this post.

Thanks Eva for tagging us!   If you want to play along consider yourself tagged and share your link with us!


  1. Holy sh*t Amanda. That TBR list is no joke. Holly, I’m really interested in the algorithm you have come up with hahahaha. So complex! I like that Amanda has the power to completely override this process though.
    Thanks for playing, you guys!

    And PERSUASION! I’m so excited to re-read this and force other people to finally read this criminally underrated book!

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